Kenindia Assurance Company Limited v Kling Development Limited [2020] eKLR Case Summary

Court: High Court of Kenya at Nairobi

Category: Civil

Judge(s): J. Kamau

Judgment Date: July 29, 2020

Country: Kenya

Document Type: PDF

Number of Pages: 3

 Case Summary    Full Judgment     


Discover the case summary of Kenindia Assurance Company Limited v Kling Development Limited [2020] eKLR, exploring key legal insights and the court's decision. Perfect for legal research and analysis.

Case Brief: Kenindia Assurance Company Limited v Kling Development Limited [2020] eKLR

1. Case Information:
- Name of the Case: Kenindia Assurance Company Limited v. Kling Development Limited
- Case Number: Civil Appeal No 54 of 2017
- Court: High Court of Kenya at Nairobi
- Date Delivered: 29th July 2020
- Category of Law: Civil
- Judge(s): J. Kamau
- Country: Kenya

2. Questions Presented:
The central legal issues presented in this case included:
1. Whether the order dismissing the appeal for non-attendance should be set aside.
2. Whether the Appellant should be allowed to prosecute its appeal on merit despite the previous dismissal.
3. What costs should be awarded to the Respondent given the circumstances of the case.

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